Sunday, January 22, 2012

Water Water Everywhere

If there was one molecule that I could spend weeks writing about, it would be water. It isn't a complicated structure, like strychnine. It isn't a huge money making pharmaceutical like Lipitor. This is the molecule that is required for life, and yet there isn't a single atom of carbon-the element that forms the backbone of life-in it. The presence of water is the single most important indicator for the possibility of life on other planets. You can live weeks without food, you can only live days without water. What is so important about this simple molecule that some of us are able to take for granted? Let's talk about its chemistry.

Water, aqua, eau, dihydrogen monoxide, whatever your word for it is, is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded covalently to a single oxygen atom. A covalent bond is one where the two atoms share electrons between them. This is different from an ionic bond, where electrons are transferred from one atom to another to create ions, one positive ion and one negative ion, and these ions are then attracted to each other via that whole "opposites attract" thing, known in the science world as electrostatic forces. Table salt, or sodium chloride, is an example of a compound held together by an ionic bond rather than a covalent bond. That was a lot of jargon, so to simplify things, you can think of an ionic bond like two atoms dating, or living together. Each atom is currently content with the arrangement, but if things should go awry they can easily separate themselves and go on their merry way. Conversely, covalent bonds are atom marriages. Much bigger commitment, everything is shared between the two, and breaking up is much more difficult. So back to water. Water has a polygamous marriage happening, with the two hydrogen atoms. Also, not all atom marriages involve a 50-50 sharing of assets (electrons). Some atoms tend to be a little needier (or greedier) and will hoard more of the assets (electrons). Oxygen is one such atom. Oxygen is what we call an electronegative atom. To be specific, it is the second most electronegative atom on the periodic table (fluorine is the most electronegative). This makes oxygen a big electron hog. This results in the two electrons that make up the oxygen-hydrogen bond spending most of their time on the oxygen end of the bond. The result is that the hydrogen end of the molecule has a partial positive charge (a full positive charge would mean that we now have an ionic species-we don't.) and the oxygen end has a partial negative charge. This polarity of the bonds is crucial! When you have many water molecules together, they each have this polar bond (partial positive on one end and partial negative on the other). The molecules will then order themselves such that the positive end of one molecule lines up with the negative end of another molecule, in a fashion similar to ionic bonds. Now these bonds are much weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, but are still extremely important in dictating the properties of water. These bonds are called hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen bonds are what makes water highly cohesive and gives it a high surface tension. The surface tension is what allows insects like water striders to walk on its surface, and also what it hurts so much to do a bellyflop into a pool. This is also why water has such a high boiling point (100 C) where as similar molecules, like H2S, are gases at 25 C. Hydrogen bonds are also what makes ice float. In liquid water, there remains a lot of disorder, with these hydrogen bonds continually breaking and reforming. As the water changes state from liquid to gas, the amount of order increases. The molecules are frozen in such a way to maximise the bonds. This makes the solid state much less dense than the liquid state, and thus the ice floats on top of the river, pond, sea. Imagine trying to go ice-fishing if this wasn't the case.

The polarity of the water molecule is also key to life. Humans are over 60% water by mass. All living cells have a significant water content. Cells are made up of, and defined by, a phospholipid bylayer called the cell membrane. Phospholipids are made up of a head group that likes water (hydrophilic) and a tail group that doesn't (hydrophobic). When these phospholipids are mixed with water they arrange themselves in a two-layered sheet with the the tails on the inside of the sheet away from the water and the heads remain on the outside edge mixing with the water, forming a spherical species called a vesicle, that has water on the inside and the outside, but not within the wall.  As these vesicles evolved into more complex structures we got life that eventually evolved into the multicellular beings that we are. Crazy to think that it was the properties of water that dictated that evolution, eh?


Pratt, C. W.; Cornely, K. Essential Biochemistry 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.


  1. "Water water everywhere and still the boards did shrink"

    True enough, water represents many aspects of chemistry. We are lucky on Earth because we have liquid water as you point out. I like to think that chemistry (that is bonding) is only relevant at low temperatures, like 300 K with thermal energy RT. Hence many chemical bonds are stable. Start raising the temperature, (Physics) and chemistry soon becomes irrelevant.

  2. I'm not a chemist but in the third paragraph did you mean "As the liquid changes state from liquid to solid?"

    Love your writing. I love how chemistry and physics is so related to everything we do and yet we (that aren't scientists)have so little knowledge of why things work out the way they do. Thanks and keep the insights coming!

    1. Hi Trevor,

      Thank you for your comments. I see you have left questions on other blog entries. I will answer them soon. Clearly you are the kind of person I am writing for and I love that.

      And yes, in the third paragraph I did mean "liquid to solid" I will change that right away, thanks for pointing my mistake.
